ETC outlines how to unleash climate finance flows at COP29, and the role of NCQG and NDCs
The latest publication from the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC): “NDCs, NCQG, and Financing the Transition”
The latest publication from the Energy Transitions Commission (ETC): “NDCs, NCQG, and Financing the Transition”
The latest insights briefing from the Energy Transitions Commission, Credible Contributions: Bolder Plans for Higher Climate Ambition in the Next Round of NDCs, calls for industry and government collaboration to raise the ambition of the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by COP30.
It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Mark Joseph Laabs, a member of our community, on February 20th 2024. Mark joined the Energy Transitions Commission as…
In its latest report, the ETC outlines the implications for fossil fuel supply and demand pathways, and the role of policies and commitments from oil and gas companies, governments, COP28 and the financial sector in the short-term, and by mid-century.
In its new report, the ETC dives into the natural resources and materials needed to meet the needs of the energy transition. The analysis explores key challenges to expanding supply quickly and sustainably, and how innovation and recycling can reduce demand.
New ETC Insights Briefing shows that the clean energy transition can be delivered on time and at an affordable cost if supply chain risks are minimised by policy and industry action.
A new study conducted by the West Australia-East Asia Iron Ore Green Corridor Consortium, based on analysis by the Energy Transitions Commission, reveals the feasibility of deploying ships powered by clean ammonia on the iron ore trade routes between West Australia and East Asia.
The ETC’s new report highlights financial challenges and the need to address fundamental drivers of deforestation. This is a supplementary report to Financing the Transition: How to make the money flow for a net-zero economy, published in March 2023.
Deeply decarbonised steelmaking can begin this decade with concerted action. As a path to a viable business case is demonstrated in multiple markets, co-operation is urged to create enabling conditions at the international level to accelerate investment.
New report outlines action needed to green-light investment in breakthrough low-emissions steelmaking in France and keep the country on track for 2030 industrial emissions targets.
New report from ETC quantifies the finance needed to achieve a net-zero global economy and identifies policies needed to unleash investment on the scale required.
New RMI & ETC report demonstrates that market conditions and unprecedented federal funding opportunities converge to provide US steelmakers with a historic opportunity in the global race for breakthrough steel.
New ETC report demonstrates that Spain can capitalise on its abundant renewable energy resources to become an international frontrunner in breakthrough iron- and steelmaking.
A new report has, for the first time in Australia, outlined decarbonisation pathways that show it is possible for five of Australia’s most significant heavy industry supply chains to transition…
New ETC breakthrough steel report outlines what action from industry and government is needed in the next 24 months to revitalise UK steelmaking with green technology.
The latest ETC report assesses current progress in limiting global warming and outlines the priority areas for accelerated action at COP27.
The latest ETC report assesses current progress in limiting global warming and outlines the priority areas for accelerated action at COP27.
Mission Possible Partnership maps path to decarbonise key materials New York, September 21, 2022 –More than 200 industry leaders have endorsed strategies from the Mission Possible Partnership (MPP) to decarbonise some…
The latest ETC report outlines the complimentary role carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS) has alongside zero-carbon electricity, clean hydrogen and sustainable low-carbon bioresources in delivering a net-zero economy by mid-century.
The Mission Possible Partnership has released Sector Transition Strategie that outline the steps needed for transport sectors – Trucking, Aviation, Shipping – to achieve net-zero.
A new report from the Australian Industry Energy Transitions Initiative outlines the decarbonisation potential across regional Australia through analysis and insights of key industrial regions.
Read the latest Insights Briefing, “Building Energy Security Through Accelerated Energy Transition”, from the ETC.
The newly published Getting to Zero Coalition Insight Brief outlines how the EU could use shipping related Emissions Trading System revenues to fund a program of targeted Contracts for Difference to incentivise private investment into the production and use of zero-emission shipping fuels.
The Energy Transitions Commission is delighted to announce that Ita Kettleborough now leads the ETC as Director, and Faustine Delasalle becomes Vice-Chair.
The latest ETC report describes how CDR, alongside rapid and deep global decarbonisation, can give the world a 50% chance of limiting global warming to 1.5°C.
This ETC Short reviews the commitments made during COP26. This is an updated version of the Short published on 12/11/2021 which reviewed the commitments from the first week of COP26.
The Energy Transitions Commission’s Chair, Lord Adair Turner, welcomes the China-US Joint Declaration on Enhancing Climate Action in the 2020s .
The Energy Transitions Commission’s Chair, Lord Adair Turner, welcomes the draft COP cover decisions on mitigation as an essential step towards keeping the possibility of a 1.5°C limit alive.
This ETC Short reviews the commitments made during the first week of COP26. We will publish an update next week that also includes commitments from week two.
Adair Turner presented the Energy Transitions Commission’s analysis of how latest pledges from first week of COP26 might help to close gap to a 1.5°C pathway. The speech was presented at the Destination 2030 event, a stock-take session of what has been achieved at COP26 so far, exploring what’s necessary, what’s possible & what’s already underway to deliver the promise of Paris & keep 1.5°C alive. Hosted by the UN High Level Climate Champions in partnership with the UK COP26 presidency.
The ETC has published an Insights Briefing as part of its conceptual framework to assess the role of carbon dioxide removals to reach net-zero.
The Energy Transitions Commission publishes new report outlining an action plan for six key areas in the 2020s to deliver on the 1.5°C pathway.
New report from The Energy Transitions Commission identifies the need for 40% methane emissions cuts by 2030 in order to limit global warming to 1.5°C.
New policy brief by the Clean Skies for Tomorrow initiative – supported by the Energy Transitions Commission and the World Economic Forum – finds that, with the right set of supportive measures, SAF production can feasibly ramp up to 10% of total European jet fuel consumption by 2030.
New report from the ETC urges industry and policy makers to prioritise bioresources for materials, aviation and niche energy applications.
New report from ETC and Material Economics demonstrates that demand signals from steel buyers to steel manufacturers can unlock investment decisions and bring forward the breakthrough technologies necessary for bringing net-zero primary steel to market.
The ETC developed the analytical work alongside Material Economics to refine global perspectives on the role of bioresources in a net-zero economy. Their deep dive on bioresource use in Europe provides a stark reminder that a course correction on biomass supply is urgently needed regionally.
The ETC has published a Consultation Paper as part of its 2021 Negative Emissions workstream.
New reports by the ETC set out path to electrify economy and grow complementary role for clean hydrogen.
The Mission Possible Partnership (MPP), a new coalition formed to accelerate the decarbonization of global industries representing 30% of global emissions, launched today at the Davos Agenda.
Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) and Energy Transitions Commission’s (ETC) latest report focuses on analyzing the fundamental challenges to making China’s power system well-prepared for a surge of zero-carbon sources to achieve its new climate pledge.
In India, hydrogen can start to compete with fossil fuels in certain industrial applications by 2030, given enough government support. With demand for hydrogen in India set to grow five-fold by 2050, the “Potential role of Hydrogen in India” report examines the positive impact on the transition to a zero-carbon energy system.
A report produced for the Getting to Zero Coalition, provides a blueprint to unlock the first wave of zero emission shipping projects.
Industry defines joint strategy for accelerating the transition to carbon neutrality in aviation in Europe by increasing uptake of sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs) over the next decade.
Despite the global challenge presented by the COVID-19 crisis, China shows confidence, courage, and firm leadership towards green recovery and sustainable development.
A year before COP26, new report from Energy Transitions Commission highlights actions required by 2030 to achieve zero-carbon economy by mid-century.
The ETC and Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) jointly released the report Achieving Green Recovery for China: Putting Zero-Carbon Electrification at the Core.
The ETC outlines some key priorities for the next wave of government stimulus to boost economic recovery while building a healthier, more resilient, net-zero-emissions global economy.
China can achieve the twin goals of net-zero carbon emissions and becoming a rich developed economy by 2050, a new report by the Energy Transitions Commission and Rocky Mountain Institute has shown.
The World Economic Forum and the Energy Transitions Commission launch the Mission Possible Platform.
Today, ETC India released three technical reports and a book on how India can grow the share of renewables in its electricity system by 2030 during WSDS 2019.
Staying in the Paris Agreement would be in the self-interest of the U.S. economy, says a coalition of leading energy and industrial companies, investors and NGOs.
In a decarbonized power system, extended electrification in the transport and buildings sectors has the potential to reduce fossil fuel use by at least 10-20% by 2040.
Fossil fuels should be considered as a scarce resource and their use concentrated in applications with highest value and limited alternatives, especially in industry.
By 2030, a power system based almost entirely on variable renewable energy generation is likely to be lower cost than a fossil fuel-based system, even without a carbon price.
An analysis carried out by Vivid Economics for the Energy Transitions Commission shows how simultaneous radical improvements in energy productivity across.
The Energy Transitions Commission has today published a short Position Paper: “Shaping Energy Transitions” and its first publication “Pathways from Paris.
New Energy Transitions Commission launches to address energy shortfalls and mitigate climate change.
London Climate Action Week harnesses the power of London for global climate action. The week aims to demonstrate the whole of society engagement needed to support the delivery of decarbonisation and resilience as well as stimulate other global cities to host similar events.
Sustainability Week, including the Energy Transition Summit, returns for its tenth anniversary focusing on sustaining planet and profit.
These awards recognise decarbonisation efforts and achievements, from technological solutions to ambitious energy management programmes, across thousands of businesses and climate experts. ETC Director Ita Kettleborough will be judging these awards alongside industry veterans in the climate space.
The Raw Materials Week is the largest policy event on raw materials, organised by the European Commission since 2016. It attracts over 1,000 participants from industry, administration, civil society, research and academia. Distinguished speakers from raw materials and strategic sectors like batteries, digital technologies, defence and space will address critical topics during the event.
A three-day forum for energy leaders to debate and shape sustainable solutions to the energy challenges of the 21st century.