Financing the Transition:
How to Make the Money Flow for a Net-Zero Economy
The ETC’s latest report sets out a detailed estimate of investment need by sector and country income group, including sector-specific policy and financial sector action toolkits.
Financing the Transition:
How to Make the Money Flow for a Net-Zero Economy
The ETC’s latest report sets out a detailed estimate of the investment need by sector and country income group, including sector-specific policy and financial sector action toolkits. Two conceptually different categories of financial flow will be required for the transition – capital investment and concessional/grant payments – for early coal phase-out, deforestation and carbon dioxide removals. With the right government policies in place, investment will come primarily from business, whilst concessional/grant payments will need funding through voluntary carbon markets, philanthropy and governments.
Sector pages
A global coalition of leaders from across the energy landscape committed to achieving net-zero emissions by mid-century
The Energy Transitions Commission (ETC) is a global coalition of leaders from across the energy landscape working together to accelerate the transition to a zero-emissions future.
We develop transition roadmaps and tools building on robust analysis and extensive exchanges with experts and practitioners across energy-intensive value chains. This work is generally undertaken with a range of partners, industry associations, NGOs and experts. In the harder-to-abate sectors specifically, we work under the umbrella of the Mission Possible Platform, an initiative established by the ETC and the World Economic Forum.
Our main areas of focus
Our activities encompass the energy sector itself, as well as key energy-consuming sectors in industry, transport and buildings.
In each sector, we work with corporate leaders to define a pathway to net-zero emissions and establish the building blocks of net-zero value chains. This work is generally undertaken with a range of partners, industry associations, NGOs and experts. In the harder-to-abate sectors specifically, we work under the umbrella of the Mission Possible Platform, an initiative established by the ETC and the World Economic Forum.
Featured publications
The latest insights briefing from the Energy Transitions Commission, Credible Contributions: Bolder Plans for Higher Climate Ambition in the Next Round of NDCs, calls for industry and government collaboration to raise the ambition of the next round of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) by COP30.
Innovation Zero, the UK’s largest net-zero congress, returns to London Olympia for the second edition on 30 April – 1 May 2024, alongside its new co-located event, Infrastructure Zero. Its mission? To accelerate meaningful action towards a low carbon economy and society.