Reaching climate objectives: the role of carbon dioxide removals

May 2021


This ETC Consultation Paper aims to provide a conceptual framework for assessing the role of carbon dioxide removals in meeting emissions reduction and climate objectives. The goal is to gather perspectives and insights from stakeholders in industry and the climate science community to consult on the appropriate and feasible role of carbon dioxide removal in net-zero pathways to limit warming to 1.5°C. Ultimately, it aims to inform the way net-zero targets are set by countries and corporates. One of the underlying assumptions is that emission reduction targets are essential to get to net-zero in 2050, and that carbon dioxide removals should complement, not replace, emission reduction measures.

The paper assesses the need for carbon removals, the technologies which can provide them, and alternative options for financing them. Illustrative scenarios are used to provide indicative orders of magnitude; estimates will be refined through more detailed sectoral work (undertaken in partnership with the Mission Possible Partnership) over the coming months.

The ETC welcomes responses to this Consultation Paper. These can be provided via this dedicated form until June 30th 2021. The ETC will also consult via virtual fora during the second and third quarters of 2021, please indicate interest in joining such conversations via the consultation form. Responses received will inform an updated report to be published later in 2021.

Consultation input can be provided here: Negative Emissions Consultation Form – please note the closing date for input is Wednesday June 30th  2021.



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Reaching Climate Objectives: The Role of Carbon Dioxide Removals - Consultation Paper Front Cover