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Our charts are one of the many ways our thought leadership shapes debate around the complex subject of the energy transition. The infographic below can be found alongside our latest insights briefing, Credible Contributions: Bolder Plans for Higher Climate Ambition in the Next Round of NDCs.

Ambition in the next round of NDCs could be at least 3 times higher than current NDCs 

Targets in current NDCs (“NDCs 2.0”), if fully implemented, are only expected to deliver ~6 GtCO2e of mitigation per year by 2030. If government were to reflect the rapid technological progress already being made, existing national government policy, existing commitments from industry and the ambitious commitments governments made at COP28, in their “NDCs 3.0”, overall ambition levels could be almost three times higher – delivering ~18 GtCO2e of mitigation per year in 2035 and putting the world on a 2°C trajectory.

Existing commitments and embedded progress provide headroom for major strengthening of NDCs, but going beyond 2°C to align NDCs to a 1.5°C pathway will require further action still. Faster progress will be required in halting deforestation, phasing out coal from the power system and accelerating project delivery in hard to abate industry and transport.

Download the infographic here, and the second page, which summarises why ambition can feasibly triple in the next round of NDCs, as explained in the insights briefing.

ETC NDC InfographicThis infographic was published alongside the insights briefing Credible Contributions: Bolder Plans for Higher Climate Ambition in the Next Round of NDCs.

If you would like to reproduce this chart, please let us know.

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